Friday, October 1, 2010


    Have you ever heard the phrase, "Life is what sneaks up on you while you're busy making other plans"?  Yeah well, I think that's a slight understatement in my opinion.  I feel it would be more accurately phrased as, "The 18 wheeler of life is what rear ends your Honda existence while you're waiting at the intersection of What To Wear Today and Should I Buy a New Toaster." 
    Cody and I were married September 19, 2009 after almost 2 years of dating.  Although both of us have always claimed we'd never get married, I think we both knew it was meant to be from the get go.  We wanted a small and simple wedding, which of course turned into a large and lavish wedding.  After all the stress and whirlwind of the event however, I wouldn't have changed a thing.
    We didn't get a chance to take a honeymoon right away since Cody was newly employed and I had recently taken a pay cut and was contemplating switching jobs.  We figured it would be wiser to wait until we had settled into our new life together and had worked out more of a game plan.  Ha!  We had no clue what we were in for...
    In January of 2010 I was offered a sales position at the Kent H. Landsberg Co., an opportunity that was just too good to pass up.  So after almost 10 years at the station, I turned in my keys and said my goodbyes.  I'll admit- it was very hard and beyond terrifying, but in hindsight it was one of the best decisions I've made.  So with all the new changes life had thrown our way- new marriage, new jobs, etc- I think we were handling everything pretty well.  Then, the curve ball.
    In early April, my best friend Ruth called me with the news that she and her husband were expecting their first child.  The news was quite a surprise as I knew that they weren't planning on having kids for at least a few years (they were married a month before Cody & I).  The news shook me up as I tried to put myself in their shoes; I recall telling Cody that it seemed so unreal to me that she was pregnant- I couldn't imagine what I'd do if it was me.  Famous last words, right?  About a month later I began feeling strange.  Not ill, just different.  I had convinced myself it was anything and everything but THAT.  Exhaustion from the promotion I'd just received at work, allergies to the new fields that had been recently planted behind our house, a new strain of dust in our area that just didn't agree with my system; No way was I... I couldn't even say it.  Finally it became too much to ignore.  I bought a test and on Sunday, May 2nd, our world was forever changed.
ME:  "Ummmmm, Cody?"  Shows test.
HIM:  "What's that?" Stares quizically at the stick.
ME:  "A plus sign..."
HIM:  "Meaning?"  Blank stare.
ME:  "I'm pretty sure 'plus' means 'plus'- as in 'plus one'; we're pregnant."
HIM:  "Are you sure that's how it works?"
ME:  "Really?  Would you like to review the instructions or accept the fact that we're gonna be PARENTS in about 9 months???"  Beginning to pace...
HIM:  "Huh.  Awesome!"
Since Cody was excited enough for the both of us, I took on the part of being nervous, freaked out, and overall terrified.  He said I was overreacting (who, MEEEE???) and that we'd be just fine, but I was unconvinced.  I have dogs which I keep limited to a cage while inside my house so that they don't destroy it, and if they get too out of hand I can lock them outside or give them away.  I have cats that are for the most part self sufficient and can go days without needing my assistance.  I have a husband that, well, okay so maybe he's been somewhat instrumental in preparing me for motherhood.  But still- I never really saw myself in that category reserved for mothers.
    Over the past few months I have slowly come to terms with the fact that we are going to have a baby, and more importantly, accepting that we are to be that baby's parents.  Wow.  I'm gonna be a mom.  Weird... We recently found out that our sea monkey (we preferred this nickname over referring to the baby as an 'it') will be a girl.  Great.  So not only has life thrown me it's best curve ball, karma is right behind it gearing up to kick my butt.  And THIS, my friends, would be that 18-wheeler to my Honda...


  1. I loved this story! I seriously am so excited for you! A girl, huh? She's gonna be so frickin adorable! heehee! How far along are you now? I feel like we haven't talked in forever!

  2. Great start! Keep it up! Loved to hear the story again even if I already knew it.

  3. Thx guys!
    Autumn~ I'm 27 weeks (almost 7 months). It has been forever! I hope married life is treating you well- I MiSS you!!!
    Shell~ Thx Shell=) I've been wanting to blog for a while, it feels like it's been forever since I've been able to write anything. I think I found my outlet though- this ROCKS!!! :o)
